The Qualities You Admire In Others You Yourself Have!

Seeing what may not appear to be obvious at first.

3 min readOct 5, 2020

I remember thinking about the quiet grace a colleague of mine had at handling difficult situations at work. I wanted to be like that, and I wanted to emulate how they were so I could possess this quality. Little did I know then, I already had this trait, and many others that I just wasn’t aware of.

It may not always be obvious to us what good traits and qualities we have. Or some people may think their good qualities are things that others don’t see, they may be shocked to have an observation from an outsiders perspective.

An example I can think of, is when somebody observed a quality in me that i found really surprising. “You’re such a calm person,” they said to me. I hadn’t ever associated this quality with how I was before. Inside I thought I was a nervous ball of energy, anxious and hyper sensitive to the world around me. Not calm in the slightest.

I took time to really ponder this observation about myself. I reflected upon it and questioned it’s truth. After some time it finally made sense to me, I am calm. I am a calm person. I may not always feel this way. But this is a good trait that I possess.




Your own truth will set you free. Writer on self awareness, personal growth and spirituality.